Who are we?

Science of Singularities was funded in 2022 by Loretta Mesiti and Meike Gleim, in collaboration with Giovanni Ambrosio. We conceive the different singularities at work in the Laboratory as elements of a connective tissue aimed at activating unprecedented synergies and associations.

Meike Gleim 

Meike Gleim is an artist and philosopher. In her artistic and philosophical work she explores in multiple forms the question of how to gain critical agency and create a relation with history and reality that is transformative and liberative. In such a perspective she appropriated materials from the past and present in her performances, installations and research projects and brought hitherto hidden alternative interpretations to the fore. 

As an artist she presented her work internationally: Museum of Modern Art Salzburg, Palais de Tokyo Paris, Fabra-i-Coats Barcelona, Generali Foundation, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Heinrich Vogeler Museum Worpswede.Her numerous publications include: Atlas Of Arcadia, Verlag Walther König 2021; Democratic Crisis revisited, Nomos Verlag 2022; Was hätte Virginia Woolf dazu gesagt, Marta Press 2018; The meanings of Europe, Routledge, 2013; Die Regierung der Demokratie, Passagen Verlag 2009. 

Loretta Mesiti 

Loretta Mesiti is dramaturg, writer, curator of collaborative writing processes, based in Bruxelles. Her research explores artistic practices, capable to open up unprecedented collaborative spaces and inaugurate ecosystemic working structures. She experiments with poetical procedures in order to free language from egotistical automatisms and convert it into a device for imaginative re-appropriation of the real.

Since 2011, in the frame of her long standing collaboration with  the company TeatrInGestAzione she is the dramaturg of the festival Altofest. International Contemporary Live Art and coordinates Altofest´s Research Community – Co.R. Among her projects as dramaturg, the performance Blickakte. Betrachtungen aus der Ferne, directed by Daniel Schauf, won the jury prize “Was heißt hier fremd” (What is here stranger) at Theater Drachengasse in Vienna in 2012. Among her literary works, the poetic collection Geologhemi was honoured with the special mention by the jury of the Lorenzo Montano award for poetry in 2017.  In the frame of Altofest´s Co.R she curates the research program Thinking : Displace and is the author of the publications: Displace Altofest, Valletta 2018; Abitare Futuro, Napoli 2022 (https://independent.academia.edu/LorettaMesiti).

Giovanni Ambrosio

Giovanni Ambrosio, visual artist and photographer based in Paris and Naples. His body of works is mainly based on photography, minimalist painting, gesture, papers, objects, writing, found writing footage, video, walking, performance writing, digital composition, sounds and music. As associate artist, with theatre and performance artists, he is engaged in a performative and documentary practice of stage photography. From 2013 onward, with dramaturg Loretta Mesiti, he has been organising a joint Working Table, literally a common working desk on which they display their personal collections of visual and written matters. They operate in this common space aiming to analyse elements emerging from the praxis through the lens offered by theoretical approaches, to elaborate them into discourses and to create opportunities to share them publicly with other artists and non-artists. This process was born within Altofest – a festival of performing arts in domestic spaces in Naples (Italy) –  was formalised with the project (e)labOratorio (Bodman, Germany 2015) – and takes currently the shape of the Table of Matters within ALTEReurope. Additionally, he is in dialogue with research group hosted by the journal K. Revue trans-européenne de philosophie et arts.