Entangled Matters

Entangled Matters aims to reveal the network of encounters, connections and relationships in which the creation of thought, knowledge and imagination is rooted, thus revealing its collective and connective dimension.

Entangled Matters
Science of Singularities

© Science of Singularities. Entangled Matters #1, Vonderau Museum Fulda, 2023

Entangled Matters aims to reveal the network of encounters, connections and relationships in which the creation of thought, knowledge and imagination is rooted, thus revealing its collective and connective dimension.

The purpose is to make visible the inextricable interconnectedness between human and non-human, and the ecosystemic and relational dynamics that shape thought and imagination as much as they produce habitats and life forms.

We must question our own position within matter and creation, abandoning the perspective that sees us as subjects and masters of inanimate matter in order to recognise ourselves as matter among matter, shaped by encounters with other presences insofar as we are capable of giving them form.

This is a process of reciprocal, ongoing formation, collaboratively orchestrated by the interaction of a multiplicity of presences, human, non-human, animal, vegetable, mineral, each capable of transmitting information and co-determining the transformative flow that involves the habitat and the elements that inhabit it.